Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Stone Fruit Pie

A slightly belated Shana Tova to all.
I made this pie while up in New Haven a few weeks ago using leftover peaches approaching their last legs of ripeness that had been picked by a friend as well as some nectarines and apricots that were hanging out in her fridge. I'll probably be dreaming of it when I am fasting on Saturday.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Haiku Tuesday

Major leak leads to
leads to much laundry and dry cleaning.
and the loss of stuff.

There was a major leak two apartments above me this weekend. Anger at the landlord abounds for not taking care of the full problem when it happened. Apparently they knew about it and fixed the leak 24 hours before I opened the closet to discover the damage, much of which would have been negated had the clothes not been sitting wet and pressed up against each other. Apparently though, Vantage Management seems to think that either water or their building are uneffected by the laws of gravity. I've been doing all kinds of hand washing and trying to treat dirty water stains. The closet is still wet inside and there's mold and it is all just very unpleasant.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

CSA Week 13

This week's bounty included
4 lbs of mixed beefsteak and plum tomatoes
Swiss chard
2 red and 2 yellow bell peppers
Mixed salad greens
cherry tomatoes - of which there are never enough because I always finish my portion in the first hour they are in the house. Though they did make a lovely salad with the greens and some leftover cucumber.